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Old 3 October 2019, 09:36 PM   #13
Join Date: May 2019
Location: United States
Posts: 285
Ive personally bought and sold watches on chrono24. All transactions have been off the platform. Paypal only charges a 3% commission compared to chronos 6.5. My agreement with the buyers and sellers was basically this: if you want to go through the escrow service for your peace of mind, thats fine, but paypal would save money.

Another note, as a buyer you pretty much have all the protection when doing business through paypal.

All that being said, there are scammers on every platform, so make sure you vet the seller. This doesn't mean that they have to have loads of feedback. There are some collectors out there with barely any feedback simply because they dont buy and sell too often. If they are able to have a logical conversation about watches they probably arent out to screw you. I would make sure there was a timeframe worked out in the agreement where you were able to take the watch to a jeweler and have it authenticated or your money back. Again, if youre going through paypal you can easily get your money back if you have somthing from the jeweler saying the watch isnt real.

I personally prefer face to face and the ability to see the watch, but having done business online, I can say from experience that its a viable option to buy a luxury watch.
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