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Old 24 May 2020, 02:00 AM   #20
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Swaye View Post
I was deleting my post to not besmirch the brand or diminish the watch, but you quoted it so whatever. In some respects they handled it well, but making a LE watch non-LE, without clearly explaining it or the altered delivery dates was pretty ham fisted at a minimum. I will grant they were trying to make the best of a bad situation, but a bad situation that they caused. I don't dislike the brand or the watch. I still may take delivery of mine, but really undecided at this point.

I can see what they were trying to do by opening it up, but in the act of trying to make amends, they made an LE a non-LE and sort of diminished the overall product. Many will disagree with me, and that's fine, but part of what made these so special to me is the fact that very few were made.

edit: I don't follow social media so had no idea they were detailing any of this. Please be aware I had written them after the 5 minute cart issue directly, and when they responded it was to my e-mail, and they used my name in the response. Therefore, I thought this was an e-mail to me and only me. I had no idea during all of this that a form letter was going out to everyone. So, I believed, based on this personalized e-mail response to my e-mail that they were suggesting they had held a few back, and were opening it up to me and select others who had been caught up in the checkout issue. I had zero idea in the moment that this was a form letter opening it up to everyone to just order away. So yeah, probably a bit of this was just unique circumstances, and all of this happened in an hour so there wasn't much time to digest. Not mad at the brand or anything, just an unfortunate set of circumstances, and maybe more specifically an unfortunate set of circumstances for me. So, I will mull it over this weekend and think about the watch, and if I still want it or not. Stuff like this happens, and I do agree they have tried to mitigate the issue, but in doing so they created another issue (no longer a real LE from a micro brand).
I see your point and I can definitely understand the frustration. If it makes you feel any better, I believe the overall interest in the watch was ~2000 customers, out of which only 280 got the watch. So it is still pretty limited - not as limited, but still limited. I doubt any more of these watches will be ever made, and I don't think this will alter the resale value in anyway so I just see this as a very small and exclusive community of watch collectors just got a smidge larger.

I'm quoting their latest Instagram post below, and it appears that only the additionally released pieces will have the altered shipping dates. Unfortunate, but still reasonable in my opinion. Either way, I hope that if and when you do get your watch, you are still able to enjoy it, because it is a beautiful watch!

In the second batch's 10 minute window, a total of 241 successful orders were put through. An additional 695 pending orders did not meet the 10 minute cut-off, and we will not be able to process those. This brings the total number of orders for Kurono Anniversary Green to be 286 watches, including those that have requested order cancellations.
Since Chrono 1, from your feedback, we have endeavoured to correct issues with the ordering system and to stem out those that have been reselling Kurono at up to 5x its retail price on Chrono24/eBay/etc. We put in place code to limit order quantities to 1, introduced customer accounts so that only genuine customers and not automated bots purchased, went through line by line to weed out ghost accounts, and finally, relied on the default shopping cart system of a 5 minute hold during checkout. We were excited, and communicated this to you in the hope it would really improve things, and have tips on how to expedite checkout payment. Unfortunately, we were failed by the 5 minute checkout hold. And we had to fall on the sword on that.

We did not like to expand our edition size, as this would cause disruption to future launches, future production, and future deliveries. But we had to. Irregardless, we hope that you will not think of this episode detrimentally and continue to allow us to grow as we gain more expertise over time.
Nevertheless, for the initial 50 that have purchased, deliveries will remain in June. Those from the first batch of 50 that have requested to cancel, will be immediately refunded, and will give up their allocation to the next in line from the second batch. ALL of the first 50 will be given US$50 token of apology, whether or not they keep their orders or cancel. We expect fulfillment of the second batch in the September/October timeframe.

We are very thankful that the final edition size has remained below 300. We have learnt a lot from this episode, and we ask for your leave for causing you any discomfort initially. But Kurono is definitely listening to you, and we ask for your continued patience and support.
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