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Old 28 August 2020, 03:34 AM   #6
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2012
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Posts: 268
In May of 2018 Georges did and interview with Celine Yap of the Singapore edition of the Robb Report, In the article he mentions why he stopped production of the Sky Racer. The following is a quote from the article.

"Our example, the Sky Racer which I’m stopping. This is where I think we made a mistake. I agree many other brands are going too low at their level. This is image damaging. We have to be careful. That’s why I’m also stopping the Chrono Colt in quartz. I want to be competitive in my segment where I have the credibility and acceptance. Every brand has to be in the right segment and acceptance in its own category."

Following his thinking one would think that the Sky Racer, priced at $2000, was damaging to the Breitling image. I guess if you add a Chrono function, a little bit of color and market it to those competing in ironman/woman competitions then that is fine for the Breitling image.

In my opinion this is just another example of Kearns looking to pump and dump. I would be willing to wage that these watches will be available for a significant discount within six months! My decision to sleep in here on the East coast is looking better and better!
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