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Old 15 December 2020, 06:48 AM   #88
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Another good point brought up. I want this to be a YMII reference thread as well as a owners review.

The “YACHT-MASTER II” on the bezel. Years ago when the watch was first introduced, I too was taken back. I also hated the “ORIGINAL GAS ESCAPE VALVE” and “RING LOCK SYSTEM” initially with the DSSD. I was on the gratuitous wording bandwagon we had on the forum. Since then, like a fine wine, the design has mellowed into a hallmark badge of honor for these unique “halo” watches from Rolex. It’s almost like Rolex arrogantly and proudly tattooed these watches with these proprietary descriptions to make a point of what they are all about. Both certainly have the swagger and attitude of a Rolex giving the finger to the competition and haters for sure. Think of it like a Rolls Royce Spirit of Ecstasy on the hood. For the YMII, it keeps the bezel timing markings very symmetrical all the way around the bezel. In reality, you don’t even notice it and it looks very natural with the rest of the design and scale of the watch. Rolex knew what they were doing.
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