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Old 11 January 2021, 04:45 AM   #8
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I purchased the OEM cashmere strap for my 372. It is identical to the strap that came stock with the 127.

Panerai straps are not all finished the same and have varying levels of water resistance. The JV strap, for example, is very easily ruined with water exposure. You have to be very careful getting it wet. The cashmere strap, in contrast, is extremely water resistant. I probably would not wear it in water for an extended period of time as I am sure prolonged exposure would eventually stiffen and crack the material, but you can easily submerge the strap for short periods of time with almost no consequence to the finish.

I would never wear any leather strap for water sports. The cashmere strap is very expensive and not worth the potential damage to it. It isn’t nearly as pliable as you might think however.
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