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Old 26 July 2021, 02:43 PM   #14
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Styles Bitchley View Post
I sympathize with your situation. I had given my mom some things to keep safe while I was out of the country for a decade or so and when I came back she’d forgotten all about it and had no idea what I was talking about (she’s getting older). What I was most upset about was my late father’s Memosail yachting chronograph that I always remember being on his wrist when sailboat racing in the 70s and 80s. Not a Rolex, but a nice watch with a lot of sentimental value. Three days ago, after literally 14 years of it not being in my possession and years after me giving up hope, it emerged from a random storage locker box my mom had forgotten about. These things happen, so don’t give up hope. But you can still grab a replacement in the mean time. If the real one turns up you can always sell it.
Wow great to hear about these stories. Would be wonderful to happen! Glad you found it! Yes I would def keep the original if I find it. But would be nice to fill the gap.
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