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Old 3 December 2021, 01:04 AM   #171
"TRF" Member
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I tried 2FA for several months here, but I just turned it off. It was constantly asking for a 2FA code. I'd put it in, view a few pages, and then it would ask again.

As a web software developer, I believe it's implemented incorrectly. First, it seems my session validation is being tied to something that's changing. I'm on a IPV6 NAT which is probably changing something which triggers TRF to believe I'm no longer validated. Also, when it goes to the validation page, it seems to be doing it client side and replacing my browser history. Then, when the code is entered, it always goes to the home page, and I can't go back to go to the page I was on, because it's replacing browser history instead of adding to it.

Basically, it needs some tweaking. As it is now (at least with a modern IPV6 NAT connection) it's next to unusable. If there's some updates/changes, I'd appreciate an announcement so I could try it again. I'd like to use it, but as it is right now, it's one of the most frustrating things I've experienced on the Internet in a while.

</rant> </vent>

I feel much better now ;)
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