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Old 12 May 2022, 10:57 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by TheVTCGuy View Post
Well…. As to inflation, pricing, the market, I am a Dorklehead, so couldn’t add anything even remotely useful to this discussion. As to the Gray market, here is my opinion.

I don’t see why anyone can BLAME the grays for the current pricing. One thing I DO remember from college economics class is as the demand goes up so do the prices; simple. If you are claiming the grays are all hoarding watches so they are difficult to get (and again, the price goes up) you may very well be right, but we are talking about luxury watches, not bread, milk and baby formula. If they are legally being successful by playing the capitalist game in a free market, well then good for them.
I don't blame them for anything, but I don't understand this sentiment of feeling bad for them when prices drop. If you want to play the game, be prepared for the consequences too.
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