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Old 7 April 2024, 08:54 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Rollieo View Post
Sorry, but there’s nothing to emulate from AP except all the collabs (which I find tacky and hope Patek doesn’t do).

AP has been a mono watch brand, the RO. Patek has a deep line of watches, and while there’s a lot of hype around the Nautilius, most Patek owners aren’t listing after that as their only piece. AP has been looking towards Patek to build out their line of watches beyond the RO, which the Code has started. Most still see AP as only the RO.
As has been mentioned Aquas and Nauts were not cool ten years ago and thus were selling at discounts, their prices were just too high for basic 3 hand SS watches compared to PM Rolexes etc. Now they are cool and everyone wants one, even the seasoned Euro aristocrat with a vast comps collection, whom PP always targeted in their ads then, not the film and pop and Insta stars whom were not interested back then but are now, and I am sure TS is loving all the attention.

So if he does make Aqua/Naut all or mostly gold he will still want a sports line to replace them and keep the overinterest/hype in the brand, esp with younger people in this Social Media age, no way is he wanting to go back to PPs being only for middle age aristos like before.

I doubt it will be anymore successful than the Code and will generally be disappointing so I don't think the Aq/Na will go all PM, there will still be a lot of SS pieces there to keep his hype train going.
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