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Old 14 April 2024, 07:21 PM   #27
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Pingparme View Post
Good morning to all, I have been looking around for a 5970P and it seems that they are all priced above 300k now. Are people actually transacting at these values? I know that compared to the 5980/1Rs and the 5740s trading at not so far range, it seems still « logical », however the 5970s have been stable for a long while and seems recently repriced upwards (so did 3970s by a lot)
It's a nice project. It's hard to tell. The hype for Nautilus started first (before 2020). A few months later people went on the Aquanaut and then on the traditional models. The pressure is decreasing since a year or so. Some traditional models have come back to pre-2019 but a very few indeed are resisting (5970, 5070P). I'm sorry I can't help you with "transaction" levels but I would maybe wait a little (except if you trade with a Nautilus/Aquanaut maybe while they are still high vs MSRP).

As a sidenote, I think that, due to its lower production (nobody knows but that should be close from the truth) vs number of people being interested by watches, the 5970P (last Lemania-based Chrono-QP) would, like the 5070P, remain quite in demand.
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