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Old 23 April 2024, 11:08 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by sgt10p View Post
You make it sound like nothing. :Don't ask for the watch everyone else wants' Are you for real? I'll just pay $10k for a watch I don't really want. Seriously?

You’re missing the point I was trying to make.

I guess I don’t understand people getting upset about availability when all they are asking for is the most popular models.
I don’t understand people bemoaning that everyone wants “hype watches” when those are the exact watches they want too.

I guess I’m just different. I like watches. If a watch I want isn’t available, I register my interest and if it comes, great. If it doesn’t, also great, because I can spend money on another watch that I like. That’s just going to happen if I want something popular.

I like the new Gray/Black GMT. I asked my SA and he said it might be awhile. Which is fine. Why get mad about it when there are a lot of other watches?

And if you only want the most popular watches, maybe you should ask yourself why that is instead of casting aspersions on the other people who want the same thing you do, but apparently are “ruining the hobby.”

Here’s the most recent watch I got instead of the Green OP which has proved difficult to get. I gotta say, I’m really happy with this one. I chose that instead of being upset about not getting something.
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