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Old 30 April 2024, 04:20 PM   #25
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Oct 2023
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Watch: GP Laureato
Posts: 271
You've got to remember, that us watch geeks know the prices of these luxury items. We study the market meticulously to find the best example, from a decent seller at the price that offers us the best 'package'.

Other side of the coin… A rich kid walks into a Rolex AD, hasn't got a clue how hard Rolex sports models are to get, they just want a Rolex because Daddy and most of his business associates wears them. The SA tells rich kid they don't have any new Rolex because yada yada yada, next thing you know rich kid is walking out of the store with the next best thing, a CPO hulk/GMT/Daytona.

Apply my little story to a newly retired ex business owner that just cashed out, a crypto bro or the spouse of a very wealthy person etc. These people just want their new to them Rolex and paying a few grand over the market price is pocket change. This is who CPO is aimed at. Not us!
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