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Old 1 February 2010, 11:41 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Canada
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by acce1999 View Post
That's a nice Air-King date you have there. It needs a bezel (should be smooth), and a plastic crystal (not that expensive). I would also, like Lol-X, recommend a full service. I share his estimate. I would not sell it as is, if that is what you are thinking.

Out of curiosity, did you hit the watch onto something to lose the bezel and glass?


"It needs a bezel (should be smooth), and a plastic crystal (not that expensive)" I have no idea what the bezel is .... and a plastic crystal ... isn't that a fake from the real crystal glass is had originally? Forgot to mention that the back piece is engraved .. so I guess that needs to be replaced too. And some slight scratchs on the band. Maybe it isn't worth fixing ?

I would imagine I did hit it while working with my hands inside some copier machine? So the value of $1200+ that someone has mentioned is what I should expect as is ? Or do I have to send it in for a new crystal top and clean up .... which I would suspect would cost $500 and then it's still only worth $1200 used ? ...... or if I spend the $500 to have it looking new ... what could I expect to sell it for used? Anyone have any idea who in Canada I would take it to for the repairs and where is the best place to try and sell ..... ebay ?

Last edited by xeroid; 1 February 2010 at 11:49 PM.. Reason: Forgot to add .....
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