Thread: China editions
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Old 2 September 2010, 03:41 PM   #19
Join Date: Mar 2009
Real Name: Anthony
Location: China / Australia
Watch: Daytona SS Black D
Posts: 318
Originally Posted by leeye View Post
Anthony, guess you were disappointed at not being able to see the 366 or buy any other watches. No worries you should be able to buy it next week. But getting to know the right salesperson is very important .

At least you got to feel the PAM335 which turned out to be a dummy model also.
Can't believe that they only got one dummy model which they use all over the world. It is definitely the same one used in HK shop as well as my friend told me of the scratches on the watch. Amazed by the sales lady that ceramic materials doesn't mean no scratches!!! I thought there will not be any scratches!!!

The worst thing is the crown on the dummy model fell off when I released the lever!!! Great quality watch at that price and amazed that they don;t fix it before using it again for demonstration.

I sort of agree with one of the members of last night that they have limited funding internally which affect the quality of the event last night. May be, they don't have the funds to pay for the customs duty deposit for their demo watches, which we were expecting, with the Chinese Customs.

By the way, they should pay Jet Li to wear one of the PAMs (or a couple) in The Expendables and get him there last night. I assure that PAMs will become hot cakes in China immediately!!!

Hope that they can improve their sales and profits here thereby having enough funds for better events in the future. Alternatively, just some thoughts from TRF members would give them a much much better results last night.

May be, "they just don't care" which is their marketing approach!!!
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