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Old 10 May 2011, 01:52 PM   #6
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Laboratory
Posts: 114
Well, you could pay 20g for a Daytona, or 100$ for an Invicta. Alright, one doesn't have as high a re-sale value but still...

Looking at the difference, you would EXPECT the 100$ package to be some cheap sh!t from China already non-functioning right out the box. But instead you get something that LOOKS to the average person just as nice, and it comes with what... a 5-year warranty at least.

Well, it's very hard to find such a lop-sided purchase savings in the real world that doesn't end up as a disaster at your feet.

I still remember when I was planning to buy my first thousand-dollar watch, and my mom started to panick that something was the matter with me...
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