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Old 22 November 2011, 03:43 PM   #45
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ok...I'll take the bait, Carl.

-For those of you who decide to drive in the fast lane - I think it's great that you want to drive five miles under the speed limit if you sense the need (wet roads, wind, you're just stupid), but get the hell over yourself and let the rest of us get on with our lives. We've got places we need to be. And you know who you are.

-And for those of you that take your dogs onto our kids' playfields and blatantly ignore the 'no dogs' sign (yeah, yeah, we know the signs don't really apply to you) - Why do you pretend you can't see your dog dropping a big load of crap on the playing field? Next time I swear I'm going to grab a pile of that goo and throw it right back at you. You know, my kid is sick of stepping in your dog's nasty feces. What the hell.

-How about the whole 'your' vs. 'you're', 'their' vs. 'they're'. People - get somewhat edumacated already. You folks with English as a second language get a pass on this. Joe average American is too stupid and arrogant to put too much work in to learning another language. Multilingual = awesome.

-So the grocery store sign says '12 items or less'. Yeah, you've got 16 items and I don't really care. But damn - when you show up acting clueless with your cart full of 239 items (half of them unidentifiable vegetables), and then you decide to thumb through your stack of coupons and pay the bill with small coins from your purse you swear you left somewhere in the store. Geez - I feel like I want to reach for a big stick to clue you in. Elderly does not have to equate to stupid. If you're smart enough to drive a car, you can certainly figure out grocery checkout signs. And don't even get me started on the clowns that park their grocery cart in the middle of the aisle. And guess what? I'm that guy that sees that full cart blocking the aisle with no one watching it. Hey, pal, I didn't actually steal your items. But I did put that damn cart way over in the hardware section. Yeah, baby, that's your Where's Waldo moment. Better hurry and get looking, though, that chicken is starting to smell a little gamey.

-I gotta say it...Humvees, Escalades and the like. I get that you're a 'big' man or a woman that wants to be one, but maybe this one time you could find some other compensation mechanism that doesn't destroy our planet (in addition to utilizing one and a half parking spaces at the mall). So you really need a civilian model of an urban assualt vehicle to take your child to their weekend swim lesson?

Damn. I mean damn already. Sometimes I swear I'm going to...geez. What is wrong with some of you pompous clowns.

That is all.
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