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Old 6 September 2007, 10:55 AM   #14
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: virginia
Posts: 560
I had the an identical DJ!! Very nice! Let me tell you my first "tough Rolex" story. I had just bought my first Rolex, a 1991 DJ TT with a factory black diamond dial. I was helpiing a friend move and we were moving his TV. Well as we squeezed through a door way, I felt my Rolex jam into the door and then run or scrape rather across the door as I CRINGED!! I fully expected that my watch was screwed!! When we put the TV down I looked and the watch, the door and caught it on the bezel and crystal. There was a hunk of wood and paint stuck to the watch, I dusted it off and NOT A SCRATCH!! I was a ROLEX MAN from that day forward!!
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