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Old 11 May 2013, 09:15 AM   #74
Join Date: Jan 2008
Real Name: Anastasios
Location: Athens Greece
Watch: Rolex GMT 1675
Posts: 8,497
Steve is not MIA...just trying to re-start his messy life... with that said
he should have taken care... of your DRSD business first.

In my opinion he will soon start making money again.
Hopefully by now he has teamed up with a serious vintage Rolex trader
and he will do well again....this way all his bad money/watch dealings
will be corrected....he just needs time.

The 18 year old young girl-friend who took him literally to the "cleaners"
is now in jail - but no money or missing watches were recovered..he was rather
devastated with her betrayal for awhile...but he has pulled himself together.
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