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Old 10 January 2006, 08:36 PM   #22
President Rolex
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Location: Palm Springs, CA,
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You will never see one...

That is what my AD here in the Desert told me. I ordered one form a dealer out of state.

Something often said here is to "establish" a relationship with a dealer. Well, to me it should be the other way around. To be told I will never see one by some fool in a jewelery store is pure crap.

When people come to me for our services, they don't have to establish anything with me, I will do anything for our clients, large and small, so for me to hear this from some dummy behind a counter, well...

Anyway, if you want the green watch, like I did, just pay the extra money and get it and enjoy it. They are very hard to find at MSRP and the dam dealers play games with them.

The thing that gets me upset with sales people is they prejudge. Here, I have this dumb kid tell me I will never see the LV, ever. I have worked for seven President's of the United States, and this person lays that on me.
After all I have done in my career I think I can track down and buy a watch.

Best of luck,

President Rolex
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