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Old 16 July 2005, 12:42 AM   #18
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Manatee
John, that's ridiculous. They know your e-mail address, just like anyone else does, but they don't have the password to get on to your mail server, wherever that may be.

I hope you're not just trying to create FUD.
Peter, it isn't ridiculous because I'm just reiterating what Gil told me. That he has 100% access to everything we send and receive in our email (that was used to log on to TURF). He said he gets a blind copy of everything going in and out of our email, turf related or not.

I don't know if it is an intimidation tactic, but that's what he said. Don't kill the messenger. Since you still (I believe) post over there, who's to know what stake you have in posting what you did.

For me, this is waaaay too over the top and I'm not having fun anymore. Like Bruce, I'm fed up with the shit that's been going on with watch forums and I'm stepping out.

I'm gone. Thanks and to my friends, you know my email (you too Gil).
