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Old 25 January 2016, 05:24 AM   #328
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Posts: 12
Originally Posted by javert34 View Post
As a young man I always had an appreciation for finer things. However, the fact that I came from very humble means meant that they were to items to be admired, but were to be admired from afar. Atop that list was Rolex. I have always appreciated the elegance and craftsmanship of these fine timepieces and told myself that if ever in a position to do so, I would purchase one.

For my 41st birthday this September I treated myself to a blue, Air King. After a great deal of research, I decided that the Air King was the correct model for me. Though no longer in the industry, my background is in aviation so the provenance if this model struck a chord with me. I wanted something understated, but classic and elegant that doesn't enter the room five minutes before I do.

With all of the comments that exist about the size, I at first had some concerns, but they faded the minute I put it on. I am a larger gent at 6'3" and 250+lbs and despite the current trend of huge watches, the size is perfect for my taste. I will let others sport the obnoxiously large time pieces that more closely resemble wall clock. I will enjoy this work of art for its elegance and simplicity.

Many congrats on your beautiful watch and glad you bought the one you liked the best--not the one that's most popular.

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