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Old 25 October 2017, 03:49 PM   #5
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2016
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Posts: 149
Originally Posted by kauffee View Post
Glad this craziness was resolved as most of us expected.

I agree that this idea of not disclosing the elements of a fake that identify it as fake makes no sense. Obviously anyone who goes to the trouble of creating them is going to use real ones as their template. They will know what they get right and what they skimp on. Their goal is not to fool the longtime members of forums like this, but instead the unsuspecting masses who are looking for the elusive killer deal.
Agreed. The factories who produce the fakes scrutinize their products to minute details to make it better each revision. Buyers of the 'superfakes' scrutinize even more between every fake producing factories. A few posts on TRF isn't going to help them not one bit. Some users quick to call out OP's genuine watch as fake just shows the users of this forum turns a blind eye to the 'superfake' community rather than arm themselves of what to look out for these days.

Looking through what's coming out of China's factories these days I'm turned off from ever purchasing PAM111, PAM000 without looking at the movement under a loupe. They're very close to perfecting the Sub and pre-owned buyers should be very wary of frankenstein watches where genuine parts are used for parts.
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