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Old 16 November 2008, 11:49 AM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2007
Real Name: Andrew Marton
Location: Los Angeles
Watch: Rolex 16750 Pam 48
Posts: 117
Hey, Wolfwinter - I didn't even grow up in LA and find your remark obtuse. Got any more great generalizations to share with us - please do!
One last point to clarify: John was driving to Irvine and made a slight detour through downtown LA. There was no 20 hour drive to line up the sale. And making a buyer comfortable is everything. Otherwise, why in the world would any seller care about his feed back but to make the buyer comfortable.

Originally Posted by wolfwinter View Post
I have to smile reading this tread because it reminded me why my wife and I are so happy that we moved away from LA after more then 20 years.
Andrew J Martin behavior and response is so typical for LA it's just funny (and gets annoying when you experience it over and over). If you run into a guy like this, and there are many, it's always a problem but they never have any responsibility. The world revolves around them and they actually do you a favor if they do anything "normal" or just plain right and decent. It's called a LA cluster f***.
I'm not saying these people are outright shysters or scammers, they just don't know any better. I could tell you story after story but that would be boring.
I think that HKperf went out of his way as a seller.
What responsibility does he have beside selling the genuine product for a agreed price in CASH? Why is it the sellers responsibility to make a buyer comfortable?
Just my 2 cents
and if anyone here is from LA and gets offended by my words..... I really don't care!
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