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Old 17 November 2008, 07:11 AM   #23
Join Date: Jul 2007
Real Name: Andrew Marton
Location: Los Angeles
Watch: Rolex 16750 Pam 48
Posts: 117
Hey, you said you would stop by on your trip from SF to Irvine. I didn't know you were towing a trailer until we met. You parked outside because of the trailer. I told you could park in my office building for free. You did wait while I tried to get off a conference call - true - but we were playing it by ear as you weren't sure when you would arrive. Let's not re-hash the cashiers check issue. I could have given you cash if you woud have walked to the bank with me. Or I could have handed you a cashier's check at the BofA as well. But you wanted to wait by the truck and have me bring back the cash. I wanted you to come with me. You didn't want to. I am not inclined to walk several blocks in downtown LA with that amount of cash. I have apologized over and over - and to you on the last call. There is no hole for me to dig because I have repeatedly said I could have handled it better. And if you need to hear it again I am sorry about how it went down. And with that - I hope we can put this to rest.
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