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Old 22 September 2018, 10:53 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by tyler1980 View Post
i think anytime there is an imbalance especially at the retail price level then it creates additional demand in the market affected by it. The UK is adversely affected by increased global demand due to the price. Now if Rolex themselves ship less watches there because its also less profitable for them then its compounding the supply issues.
Ha well I actually meant the opposite. Maybe part of the reason the retail price is less in the UK is because it’s actually cheaper in terms of what it costs Rolex to get the product to the end consumer here. Of course even if that was the case you’d expect Rolex to take advantage of that and try and make the end consumer cost as close as possible to somewhere it costs them more to sell their products.

Ie they make more profit by selling the same watch for the same equivalent RRP in certain countries.
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