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Old 5 May 2019, 05:30 AM   #37
Art 1
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Florida, Canada
Watch: Rol/Seik/Tud/Omega
Posts: 30,244
What I'm wondering if the organizer should pay certain people back. If he knew 50 were covered by AP why did he take money from the 50 people? Why did he take money from the other 40 knowing that they weren't covered? Still just shocked that it was obvious to me and some others what was going on here several years ago was still going on and that so many people that I would consider smart and sophisticated couldn't see it. I'm hearing to0 that he was to point out to certain AD's who the "rich" people are so that they could target them for PM sales. How does one even know who these people would even be.
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