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Old 25 August 2019, 02:20 AM   #244
Knappo 1307
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Originally Posted by GLADIATOR View Post
But it’s of no concern to me.

Sadly these forums have turned into personal emotional attacks rather than helping people “watchout”.
When I came here it was a place to read, learn and help people.
Now nothing to learn, and the many that post are not giving help to OP or talking about genuine or fakes. But personal attacks against people.
Like Kappo - when was last time he actually gave advice on a watch??

I will continue to try to help people not get duped but I am not entering into internet flame wars with stupid people
Once again thanks your input on these forums
Even if I don’t agree with it all, it’s polite and ULTRA professional
You don't help anyone, you would better off not replying to any watch out threads.. You know as much as me and I know next to nothing. You are extremely flippant in your responses and wrong too many times to have any credibility with most in the watchout section. I come here for a good laugh at your responses. You are right about one thing, this was a place to learn and still is you may want to start learning.....

Also answer the questions the members have asked you. You constantly avoid answering, I think you are up to no good... Jmho
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