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Old 24 September 2017, 04:24 PM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Originally Posted by Bigblu10 View Post
I would like your opinion regarding post #7 please. Do you think Apollo 11 moon landing was fact or fiction?
While I'm familiar with the 'conspiracy theory' pertaining to the Apollo 11 moon landing, I never gave it much thought. As far as it being fact or fiction, we have to consider the (1) possibility and (2) probability based on a number of factors like the available technology at the time, human risk considerations, the politically-based PR exigencies of the 'space race' between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. and Hollywood staging opportunities.

To be honest, I haven't the foggiest one way or the other. Like most of us, I watched the lunar landing on TV as a kid and accepted the accomplishment at the time. If it was staged, then the joke's on countless millions. On the other hand, it's a pretty remarkable feat given the 'analog' nature of the instrumentation and guidance systems back in the 1960s.

Going to have to toss the ball back in your court on this one. Perhaps others can chime in with the documented facts pertaining to this historical (or staged) event.
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