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Old 24 March 2017, 10:11 PM   #31
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dont deal with them

I ordered a watch with them, and took advantage of their 0% finance.
Thats where the problems started .

Their claim of what you see it was you pay is misleading as if you buy on Finance they add 9% +, When i inquired about this watch-master said it was the finance company who added this , so i called them and no they dont add it watch master do.

next problem delivery dates , when buying i was given a delivery date , the day it was expected email arrives 7pm to say its still be refurbished ? Hang on ...the website implies all watches have been refurbished and are ready for sale and dispatch , not the case they only do this after you order it !

You can never get them on the phone . they do email normally late in the day when you cant respond ,

So you can get on chat , and spoke with the head of sales who wouldn't admit they add the extra % couldn't confirm when i would actually receive the watch , and really didn't want to rectify any of their mistakes.

i decided the company was not trustworthy and unreliable and unwilling to admit they had mislead me over the finance and cancelled the order . Instead i headed to grays market off bond street and brought the watch working and ready with no hassle which is now on my wrist .

Dont bother with them be warned .
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Old 21 April 2017, 07:03 PM   #32
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There is an interesting account of if you click on this link :

With that and their practice of presenting apparent "savings"....

(colonial members might like to know that UK RRP for the 116710BLNR is £6,550).

(the 116520 is still in the current UK price list with an RRP of £8,800 while the ceramic bezel 116500 is there at £9,100).

(UK RRP for the 116610LV is £6,600).

(UK RRP for the 116660 D-Blue is £9,150).

...I don't think I would go near them.

*Comex:5513,5514,1665x2,16800x2,16600 *Mil sub:5517x2,5513x9,5512 *Submariner:6536/1x2,5508,5513 PCG u/line & double SWISS (America's Cup),5513 giltx2, 5513 m-firstx2,5513 gloss WGx2,1680 Red,1680 White Mk1 & Mk2 *Sea-Dweller:1665 DRSDx3,Great Whitex3 *GMT-Master:6542x2 (1 Bakelite),1675x8 (2 gilt), 16750 & SeaKing 116710LN *Explorer:1016x6 (1 gilt),5500x3,14270 Blackout, Orange 1655 x4 *Milgauss 1019x3 *Cosmo 6263 *RNCD DSSD 116660.
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Old 21 April 2017, 08:58 PM   #33
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Rolex St. James's shoutout and Watchmaster cautionary tale

(This recently appeared on tz-uk forums)

I just want to send my thanks to Rolex St. James's and let you know how helpful they have been with a recent problem I encountered dealing with Watchmaster.

I recently purchased what was guaranteed by Watchmaster as being a 'Mint and totally original' 'still with stickers etc'. 2016 UK AD supplied with full B&P Rolex Sea Dweller 4000. Things went horribly wrong when what arrived from these 'trusted experts' turned out to be an Italian AD supplied watch (Oops!) fitted with what to me looked like dodgy Submariner ceramic bezel parts. Their much vaunted guarantee to customers states: "With your watch purchase at Watchmaster, you are always on the safe side. We guarantee that every watch purchased by Watchmaster has been reviewed and verified for authenticy. We only sell watches that are 100% original." (cut and paste from their website - spelling errors are theirs).

When I sent them pics showing the watch sent to me with a 'Submariner' style bezel they suggested somewhat lamely that I had mistakenly been sent a watch with a Rolex SubC bezel and that this was purely a mix up at their watchmaker's desk while preparing a batch of watches. They insisted the bezel was genuine Rolex parts and this was just a 'minor and unexplainable error' their end. Not believing what they were telling me, I dropped my watch off at Rolex St. James's and they quickly confirmed that the bezel and ring were in fact fake and not Rolex manufactured SubC parts at all. This escalated to a row with Watchmaster about sending me a dodgy watch.

I won't bore you all with the blow by blow details, the catalogue of infantile Porkies and the idiotic wriggling and posturing that the CEO of Watchmaster attempted over the course of many days of arguments and countless emails. I refused to send my watch back to them to 'rectify' the matter (give them my watch as well as my money? Given their form so far? No thanks! Let Rolex St. James's put the watch right was my decision, even if I have to pay, and this didn't sit well at all with the Germans). They stubbornly refused to order the required original parts through Rolex UK, refused to order the parts from Rolex Germany and send them to Rolex St. James's and just doggedly insisted the watch be sent back to them to be corrected and they would do me the immense favour of giving me a watch winder for my trouble. Not likely, as I had quickly lost any trust or confidence in them. More fake parts or worse....would I ever see my watch again? They seemed rather too keen to get the watch back, could offer no logical reason why they would not order and send the correct parts over etc. Their CEO kept on saying 'because I don't have to do what you ask' when asked why he wouldn't sort this out by just ordering and sending the right parts over. The obvious, simplest and cheapest solution. Instead, they seemed determined to push me into accepting a refund (many people would have given in at that point, but not me). Cynical types might well wonder if they were hoping to get it back and then just re-list the watch at the new post Baselworld levels (£1-2k more than I had paid). Why else would they go to such lengths to annoy a customer? Baffling, I just don't know.

Anyway, after protracted arguments with the gentleman I came to think of as Herr Ledenhosen (the by now Jackboots well dug-in Watchmaster CEO), I was getting nowhere and running out of patience - so I lawyered up. I briefed a large and well know law firm in Berlin and bingo! .... (soiled Lederhosen at Watchmaster HQ hopefully?) .... Guess what, they suddenly 'found' my bezel and bezel ring! Maybe just a co-incidence? You decide.

You would think that would be the end of it - send the parts over and be rid of me! But no....still they refused to send the bezel and ring to Rolex St. James's and eventually, after repeatedly pointing out that what they were doing was illegal, (not acting on my instructions and unlawfully holding the original bezel which was fully paid for and legally my property) they finally caved in and sent the correct bezel and ring to Rolex St. James's (at the very last minute, just minutes before my instigation of formal legal proceedings). Watchmaster/their CEO had in writing incriminated themselves to such an extent that a quick review of the correspondence by someone with a brain (maybe their lawyer, once they saw I was serious about suing them?) saw a rapid about-face and climbdown. They had clearly admitted in various emails etc. to supplying me a watch with fake parts and furthermore they had refused to follow my instruction to send me my legal property. Pretty damning!

If these clowns had just handled the matter with some common sense there would have been no problem! A simple and immediate: "Sorry Sir, we don't know how this has happened. Of course we will immediately order the required bezel from Rolex and send to you for Rolex St. James's to fit to your watch. We will pay for any charges and please accept our apologies" would have kept me happy. Instead they tried to bluster and pull the wool over my eyes and I decided I wouldn't take any of their ****.

Rolex St. James's were unbelievably helpful in this sorry saga. They took time to examine my watch in minute detail and they wrote emails confirming the fake parts etc. Their involvement meant Watchmaster could not duck the issue. Not only did Rolex St. James's help me but they also did so completely free of charge. They removed the 'incorrect' (Watchmaster's euphemism for 'fake') bezel parts and verified and fitted the new bezel parts free of charge. They simply refused any payment. True gentlemen, and I am really grateful for their assistance.

Anyway, it all got sorted out in the end. Whew! Harder than it ever should have been, but no harm done other than a lot of stress and aggro. Lesson learned though: I won't deal with Watchmaster ever again.
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Old 5 September 2017, 07:28 AM   #34
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�� not worth the £200 saving I think!!!
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Old 4 October 2017, 05:52 AM   #35
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I'm dealing with these guys now to buy a skydweller SS. I'm confused, they are selling the watch at list price but they've said they can't give exact deliver date. It's December to feb next year. I don't mind that but I don't understand why they are selling at list price. Everyone that has one is asking for at least 40% no top of list. I'm thinking it's a scam and they will return the money after using it for a few months interest free. Am I right to think this?
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Old 13 March 2018, 06:42 PM   #36
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3186 movement

I asked for a quote on a 3186 gmt coke that i have , they offered me the price of a standard gmt , they dont seem to know that they command a higher price, the person i dealt with did not seen that knowledgeable on the rolex brand ,asking whats a 3186 ,whats a stick dial , gave up in the end.
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Old 14 January 2023, 08:41 AM   #37
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Any recent experience ?
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Old 28 January 2023, 01:33 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by fskywalker View Post
Any recent experience ?
I just registered today so that I could post about my experience, which I am in the process of going through right now with them. I was looking for reviews about them too initially, and that's how I came across this thread. Having read what I read, and after communicating with them, I decided to go for it and pulled the trigger.

And so far so good! Communication has been good by both email and phone. And all of my requests for more information and pictures have been met so far without issue. Everyone has been very professional so far!

I'm located in Toronto, Canada, so there is an extra charge for delivery here, but that was the first question I asked them about, which they have been totally upfront about.

I will keep you guys posted!
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