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Old 9 October 2019, 11:47 AM   #91
Join Date: May 2014
Real Name: John
Location: La Jolla, CA
Watch: Platona
Posts: 12,194
Since you are an author could you please explain that last sentence to me? I read it three times and still don't know what it means. No reflection on you, it is late and I am dense.

Originally Posted by patriot885 View Post
My race is different than watch dealing (I am a lawyer and an author).

However, i do own a 5726/1A-001 (bracelet) which i chose over a 5712/1A-001
(both on retail in AD), although "everyone" and the AD himself push me to get the 5712 (it's hot it's like a stock, the 5726 is unwanted and so on). So i can't be considered in the "race".
Of course, the reward for a man with his own principles came in the recent position of my watch as the most sought after steel nautilus (still, not for sale).
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