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Old 17 December 2019, 07:33 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by 037 View Post
I'd have bought one but hated the hands in person. The plots were made bigger and hands aren't proportioned very well for the increase. The minute hand is too narrow and seconds hand plot is too big. The hour hand isn't my favorite but passable.

In the end it was a pass for me. Maybe if they "MkII" the hand set and fix the proportions.

"Stealth wealth" though? That would be a G-Shock, not a Rolex. Money talks but wealth whispers. I'm not sure the YM42 qualifies.
Why would they do that to the Minute Hand?? The proportion's on the 40 RG YM are perfect and uniform, but on the YM 42 the minute hand is to narrow, and the seconds hand plot is to big!

We need to ask Bas (SearChart) what his Posse are doing
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