Thread: incoming!!!
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Old 24 February 2020, 11:57 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Miami
Posts: 102

My first incoming post! And I think it's pretty memorable one.

Quick recap, almost 2 years on waiting "list" at Mayors. No watch buying history there, I've bought some jewelry but nothing crazy, prob all in all under 3k total.

It was Friday night about 7:50pm, I'm having a real shit day at work, actually prob the worst day at work in over 5 years. Phone rings and it's a weird # I didn't recognize, so I neverrrrr answer those, but for some reason I picked it up. It was my AD, said if I was still interested in the Green Sub.. I said uhhh yes!
"Well if you can make it here by 9p it's yours"
Needless to say I left work and hauled ass over there! When I get there there's about 15 customers in the store, I thought busy night but she said no, it's all clients picking up tonight. She brings it out and we try it on in the corner away from anyone cause she says a lot of people are after it. She said I was 4th!! Person she called that day! The first 3 people never picked up!! Most likely cause it was after 7p on a Friday night, but thanks to my shit day at work I was working and wasn't out and about. It hasn't come off my wrist since friday and it's going to be my daily wear!
I didn't think it would ever come in specially with Basel coming up and all the gold hulk rumors.
Cheers guys! And pick up those unknown numbers!!! Block the spams!
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