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Old 26 February 2020, 03:10 AM   #38
Join Date: May 2012
Real Name: CJ
Location: Kashyyyk
Watch: Kessel Run Chrono
Posts: 21,112
Originally Posted by genomicstime View Post
Hello everyone,

I appreciate some of your comments, and I acknowledge all of them. I wanted to provide one set of follow-ups and, from this point, would prefer to get on with my life. I posted my first response because Jared was alleging fraud, and I take great issue with that, but I have neither the desire nor the bandwidth to litigate this further in the court of TRF.

I don’t mind that my TRF username is listed here - I respect Jared’s frustration and am happy to provide the full context to future potential sellers - but the listing of my personal information is beyond reasonable. This should be taken down and I’m willing to work with the mods to achieve this. Note that I have not disclosed his full information here which includes three aliases, phone number, address and business name etc.

Candidly, some of your criticisms and questions suggest that you did not read my response carefully, but I understand that it was a lot of information and will try to provide some additional info.

1. This idea that I didn’t ask questions/for additional photos is absurd, including whether the watch was polished. As I said, Jared’s answers were evasive and the polishing issue is subtle/was not easily discerned in his photos. He had ample opportunity to transparently disclose these items as well as the waterproofing. I understand there can be reasons for avoiding total transparency and I believe these are things he tried to sneak past me as a novice buyer.

2. As I have already stated: while the polishing issue upset me, this wasn’t the causal item in taking action – it was the uncertainty caused by the failure of the pressure test and rapidly deteriorating timing. Several of you are focusing on the wrong thing and I kindly refer you to my original response. Furthermore, the idea that these causal issues involving the case/movement are minor is purely speculative.

3. I have always operated on the assumption the warranty is void from my own research and Jared’s behavior and I don’t recall saying, anytime in any form, that I was expecting a brand-new watch. Jared stated in this thread that the watch is in warranty – it’s not reasonable for him to suddenly assert this against me when he so clearly did not want to confirm that during the sale, and I have all of this in writing.

4. The suggestion of buyer’s remorse is incorrect and, if I wanted my money back, the simplest and surest thing would have been to just say the watch was fake which I did not do (yes, this was a concern). I stated to Paypal, and Jared, that what I really wanted was for the watch to be serviced.

5. The idea that I am going to post information from businesses that would disclose my exact location, given the threats I previously described, is unrealistic and this has already gone well beyond the intended scope. I do have a write-up and results from the assessment, I provided that information to Paypal in support of my claim and, respectfully, I decline providing it in support of anyone’s desire to play amateur detective. If the mods need this to remove my personal information, I'm happy to provide it privately. Otherwise TRF has no ability to influence my outcome and, as I said, I intend to move on having provided my side of this story.

6. Jared’s facebook is public and you can find it easily. I am not going to join the practice of posting his personal information here and transparently cite fear of retaliation had I chosen to do so.
Ok! So as a result of #4, you’re certainly an a-hole for even suggesting this.

And, obviously a wait 6mo Seller’s nightmare customer.

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