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Old 4 March 2020, 12:52 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by smohr33 View Post
Advisors are largely salespeople, paid by you, from your earnings, to push products that are advantageous to them and their firms.

An advisor would have to guarantee to me in writing that he could beat the total return I get on my self-advised lazy portfolio every year for the next 30 years. I don't see that happening, and I'm not willing to siphon off 1% or more of my portfolio to fund my advisors retirement.

I'm happier and wealthier since I dumped my advisor.
I struggle with this.

Can your lazy portfolio guarantee the same thing?

I am not saying you are wrong. Not by a long shot. But I have done a good amount of research on this. And a lazy portfolio will not be balanced the way a managed portfolio will be.

So far, I have a very reasonable rate of return. Even with the most recent hits. Yes, I pay my fees. But I get a service for that, and again, so far I am satisfied with this service.

I wonder if I should move over to a simply low fee fund. Tony Robbins certainly says I should.

In a challenging time like this, I am grateful for my guy. Watching trends and making changes based on my goals and the plan that we set up. He has access to incredible amount of data and tools that I could not dream of.

Hard to say what is right. My opinion anyway. I suppose it depends largely on the person involved and their own habits and comfort levels.
If happiness is a state of mind, why look anywhere else for it?

IG: gsmotorclub
IG: thesawcollection

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