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Old 15 March 2020, 03:13 AM   #1999
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Originally Posted by Acanthurus View Post
I am an ER doc, and a member of the COVID-19 planning team and testing unit at one of the largest hospitals in Australia, and I’m married to a consultant physician in public health on our state COVID-19 task force. It’s human nature to jump to conclusions, and in some ways I can’t blame you, but in the end what is more likely, that you caught a commonly seen pneumonia, or that by some one in a billion chance you caught COVID at a time when it barely existed anywhere worldwide?

You are almost certainly going to get COVID-19 at some point, but I can guarantee you this was not it.

Thanks for the input Doc. I wasn’t jumping to conclusion simply stating it was possible but regardless keep up the good work PROTECT yourself and let’s all work together on this
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