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Old 23 March 2020, 11:42 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by WatchNutcase View Post
Sorry to be off the watch topic, but what do you mean? The virus is killing thousands of people at an exponential rate. Have you not been following the stats?

The only evidence we have that this can be controlled is with the strict Chinese regime, but these measures cannot be replicated in the USA.

Sorry but it's frightening hearing this from someone in a country about to be severely hit by this virus. Please stay safe!
It's not. This is not accurate. Look, I'm staying inside and only going out to walk the the dog and hit the grocery store like everyone else, but your assertions aren't factual. It's killed roughly 15k GLOBALLY and far less in the U.S. If you have been following the news and stats, what the US is concerned about is overwhelming the hospital system with people exhibiting systems and taking away resources from people who truly need it. The massive death projections were based on no social distancing measures.

You can be safe and adhere to guidelines without losing your mind.
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