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Old 1 April 2020, 10:41 AM   #4636
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Originally Posted by ronricks View Post

We are talking at cross purposes. All plans that are credible call for an extended period of at risk populations staying home. I am not disagreeing with that.

And those plans also call for those that are less at risk relaxing some social distancing after the numbers start coming down. The reason for waiting for the numbers to come down is to not overrun the healthcare system.

Non at risk (or more accurately, less risk of dying) people not staying home will still overwhelm the healthcare system. I have heard no epidemiologist who is credible saying otherwise.

Everyone is at risk of catching Covid-19. Without social distancing of everyone, regardless of their age group, our heath system will surge with people needing medical care. You are correct that the odds of those needing medical care recovering increase with their being younger. But a surge on medical care, regardless of how old the patients are, exposes all medical providers working under a non prepared and equipped system to a greater risk of dying. So, more medical providers will die, even some who are not in an at risk group.

And, beside this increased risk to all medical providers, there is a special risk to doctors. One third of US doctors are age 60 and older.

Unless we flatten the curve we will lose a lot of doctors.

Stay safe.

Here is what Dr Fauci is saying:

If you are not in the at risk categories and you think you may have the virus stay at home. Do not go to urgent care. Do not go to the hospital or ER and absolutely don’t try and waste a test that would be needed by someone in the more at risk categories. My last post on this. If you are at risk stay at home. It helps everyone involved.
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