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Old 2 April 2020, 03:29 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Rolexatlast View Post
Back in the early 2000s in the UK we had a couple of very bad winters (for the UK) with extensive flooding followed by major railway works, and people not able to commute into London, which gave a step-change in people working from home. Then later in the decade and the 2010s, big business decided that if workers still do their jobs can from their UK home, then they could employ lower wage peopled overseas.

Be interesting the consequences of this outbreak : will it also lead to a further step change in working from home, but this time with reduced international supply chains? And after the warnings from SARS and Bird Flu, will the international business community scale back work in China? And what could be China’s response to try to boost confidence? Could this lead to wholesale regulatory change?
I remember back maybe 10-15 years ago (maybe longer) when the whole teleconferencing thing was taking off and you'd see people around boardrooms with the big screen talking to customers on a similar screen miles away.

Then American Airlines ran a commercial of how some sales exec was traveling around doing face to face meetings and getting all the contracts. I do think that humans still need the face to face thing more than sterile big screen communications to feel they want to do business with you.

My wife and I were discussing this walking on the beach in Maui 10 days ago ( seems much much longer) because she is in medical education for a medical device company and she travels a lot as well as is on conference calls 5 hours a day. We wonder how this will change.

Time will tell. But I doubt that things will go back to the exactly the same as before.
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