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Old 7 April 2020, 04:41 AM   #20
Join Date: Feb 2017
Real Name: Michael
Location: NJ
Watch: Panerai 112
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And how does your bank (and the sellers bank) know that you are not scamming the seller? Or for that matter, the both of you could be working together to scam the bank. Emails and texts can be easily faked if both parties are in on it.

This is why the bank has to be extra cautious of people like you who willingly wire money to an unknown and unverifiable destination, intentionally circumvent eBay and all payment protection plans, and avoid using a proper credit card that offers a layer of protection as well and then have the audacity to file a complaint that "you had no clue in the world" that you could be getting scammed.

I also have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Get the wire ready.
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