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Old 11 April 2020, 07:45 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Chicago
Posts: 12
goesbang03 Suspicious behavior and questionable past scams

Was looking to purchase a Rolex from goesbang03, however after some correspondence (via TRF, and messaging via phone), I had an off feeling in my gut about this guy. After a simple google search, the following red flag showed up:

It appears this seller "Marcus P" (I won't blast his full name or phone number here, as it's in the above link); has been scamming folks on multiple online forums since the mid 2000's.

After looking at all his posts in TRF, it appears that he has sold a few watches, however I don't see any posts in the 'Who's Who' thread for his name as a Seller or Buyer.

The following appears to be his MO on the forums. Relatively long time member with a few transactions and posts for online presence, however ultimately will scam people over in the end.

His methods in which he wanted to receive payment seemed off as well. I can share details upon request

Again, this is simply a notice of my experience and findings (based on his name and phone number) of dealing with goesbang03.
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