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Old 25 June 2020, 07:20 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by watchmaker View Post
No benefit at all beyond bragging rights.

In fact, the Sea Dweller and the Deepsea both have more points of failure and entry in the form of the helium escape valve and it’s accompanying seals. So if there was such a thing as residual water resistance I’d put my money on the sub/gmt.
Exactly that but many today wear mine is bigger can go deeper than yours watches today.If I remember the deepest recorded dive just on scuba gear was in the Red Sea quite a few years back now ,by a guy called Nuno Gomes total depth was just over 318m perhaps now broken.Now it only took him about 20/50 minutes to reach that depth,but because of breathing different gasses at that depth and pressure.It then took him little over 12 hours with all the safety stops to finally return to the surface safe, and without any form of decompression treatment.Now at these extreme depths,there are several diving related problems to overcome nitrogen narcosis, decompression sickness, oxygen toxicity,sheer dehydration and the different effects of the gases when changing over tanks containing the different gas mixtures.Now while breathing the high helium mix past around 60M the gas wants to leave the blood while the nitrogen wants to rush in.

Now this dive would have not been possible without a huge back up and very careful planning. Gomes is in a very small group of guys that have gone over 250m with just scuba gear.Plain fact there have been more guys to go to the moon,that have got past 250m underwater just on scuba. But most recreational divers today stick to around 30m- 40m max depth on just air.Some more technical recreational divers would go to perhaps 120m but for this type of diving you must be very experienced with plenty of planning and backup.So today the dive ratings on watches are a bit of a joke as they will never be used by man or superman in normal diving in water, perhaps they make them today because they can and little more.

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

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