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Old 4 July 2020, 02:30 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by guanxi View Post
Sorry and I certainly don’t want to offend anyone but I seriously don’t understand all the hype behind GS, I tried the snowflake once not to die stupid and ignorant as I was being hit by a heavy case of FOMO. The watch felt like the opposite of luxury more like FMCG, the case design is bulky and not elegant, the dial was not profound, no depth and completely sterile and the bracelet was the biggest disappointment I ever experienced in my life of watch lover...the bracelet has the looseness of a 1970s badly beaten up Rolex, I was not impressed at all! Seiko and GS are the Toyota and Lexus of the industry, good engineering, affordable and functional! For true luxury look elsewhere! Again very personal and own opinion, nothing against Japan on the contrary I love the culture and I travel there quite often both for business and holidays. I so wanted to like GS but it just doesn’t click...

I know I am not crazy because I have discussed this with other fellow watch enthusiasts who think the same...anyone out there also thinks GS is completely overrated?
Yes, I feel the same. Really don't see the appeal. Also, as long as it says Seiko on the dial, - grand or not - I will always associate it with a cheap beater watch.
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