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Old 27 July 2020, 02:34 AM   #23
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Pim View Post
1. don't try to be a though guy and curb your mouth mr. anonymous
2. I've been hearing this song time and time again. Same as the song about the Rolex Daytona. 30 years ago I refused to pay over list for a SS Daytona, listening to people telling me that prices would drop soon.... guess what, the never did.
3. I think that the whole discussion about the prices of these expensive toys is poisoning the hobby. Hell, even the mods on this forum agreed and closed threads like this for a while but they keep popping up.

A watch is an expensive toy, not an investment. I have been frustrated with the unavailability of some models as well but hoping that the prices will drop and starting thread nr. N* will not change anything.

Bookmark this discussion and all the other ones, come back in 6 months and let's do a retrospective. Much more interesting than this

chill out dude
I bought a SS Daytona under list as recently as 2011. Around that time the 5711 was readily available with AD rebates and no waiting time. And no, don’t move the goalposts. I don’t purport to be able to predict the future nor do I believe a Nautilus will be available for under list in 6 months either, for that matter. But in 20 years? The over/under on the 5711 being a total dog like the 5100 isn’t that clear cut. That, and the fact that denying that possibility is asinine, are the only points I’m trying to make.
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