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Old 22 September 2020, 04:42 AM   #89
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by texasmade View Post
I'm hoping you're right that there is no number. Everyone that wants one will get one eventually without paying some ridiculous grey market premium.
Well actually on this topic I had an extensive discussion with the Omega guys.
They expect that the reference will have a gray premium indeed, especially given the extremely slow production rate.
Essentially they think it will be very challenging to see one of the new Snoopy out in the wild. All the pieces available will be placed to the customers on the list. Then they are working to create a market similar to a steel Daytona.
Or at least this is what Omega is trying to create.
If it works this way, with an official waiting list of 3-4 years and an additional boutique's list of interest to get on the official waiting list... you will have a premium price and that will be related to the old rule of demand and offer.
We will see if that is true or not.

Keeping a balance will be the right thing.
I don't think they will flood the market. It will totally defeat what they are doing by not doing a LE.
47th street in NYC is exploding with Batmans that nobody is actually buying, but they are still holding the value, for now.
I hope Omega will not go completely this way.
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