Thread: 5170p vs. 5170g
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Old 30 October 2020, 04:38 AM   #1
"TRF" Member
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5170p vs. 5170g

Hi all,

I'm debating between two 5170s; the P ($85kUSD) and the white-dialed G ($45k). I've been drooling over the P for months and have heard the impassioned pleas of contributors here that the P is the end all, be all of the 5170. I finally saw them both side-by-side at Michael Ashton in NYC yesterday. But, the closer I get to pulling the trigger, I'm leaning G...Here's some rationale.

The P is objectively a far more beautiful watch, truly one of the best looking pieces I've ever seen. But, it's VERY dressy and I would argue that strap changes won't affect that much. My sense is I'd own it, worship it, but reach for it maybe once or twice a month. I work in tech and almost never wear a suit.

The G, while more plain, is more wearable. The Breguet numerals give the dial some warmth, and it's a strap monster. Seems like it could easily be dressed up or down.

Summarily, I think I lust after the P but the G would give more long term ownership satisfaction.

My collection is small (I have a 1803 Day Date, 1680, and a 116500LN), and this is my first Patek. Truthfully, I might have to sell the Daytona to afford the P. At my income level, $85k is a great deal to allocate to one watch that I think, despite it being the most beautiful watch I've ever seen, won't wear as much.'s so stunningly gorgeous.

My questions are these:
- 5170P or G owners: do you wear the watch often? Does it look harmonious with a variety of dress colors and styles?
- Is it better to own the best possible piece and not wear it or get more use out of something that is a little less desirable but more flexible?
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