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Old 31 December 2020, 10:23 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Galaga167 View Post
Thanks for the kind words. I will definitely get a speedmaster one day. My only concern is if I acquire the BLRO what the would be the long term future of the LN?

Can they both exist in a collection?

Yes they can.

I got the LN after the BLRO and I don’t regret it at all, it depends on what you want to achieve out of your collection.

I like the ability to go from a “flashier” BLRO to a more subtle “LN” depending on the occasion. The five digit LN is on the same boat of more subtle and low key and it makes its appearance at certain events (it was a wedding gift from the wife and it will be handed down to my son when he’s of age).

So it really depends on how you define and justify it.
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