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Old 3 January 2021, 07:14 PM   #158
Richard Carver
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Originally Posted by 330ci View Post
I have no reason to believe Rolex would service a watch with dials of questionable origin if they were not able to verify their authenticity, I however have never claimed to have proof of this in practice. you have stated numerous times that Rolex has serviced thousands of these fake tiffany & co stamped dials, and I can't find proof of any of these instances. just one documented case would be enough for me to completely recant my beliefs. I'd love my beliefs to be proven wrong, but unfortunately that would require you to substantiate your claims.
LOL,so your 'belief' is your proof? Apparently even Tiffany won't actually provide a serial number to substantiate it's one of theirs when they take your 1000 bucks but you think Rolex can do it. Here's econ 101 for you, when the dealer pays Rolex for their shipment those watches belong to the dealer. Rolex' wishes can't supplant the law of the land, shocking I know :)

I know you keep ducking this because it proves you have no idea what you're talking about but the long time existence of the gray market proves once those watches become property of the AD Rolex no longer has control and has no idea how those watches are sold..

If Rolex could do what you 'believe' there would be no gray market. :)
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