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Old 25 January 2021, 12:03 PM   #148
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32xx movement problem poll and data thread

Originally Posted by Dirt View Post
Am I to take it you deem that I have exceeded my ration/entitlement?

But we're going off topic aren't we

Originally Posted by Dirt View Post
It doesn't stop people from posting their data.

As far as the degree of difficulty goes.

I put it to you, it's recognisable as soon as you see it.

I shall endeavour to space out my posts more if 15 in a row is not to your liking.

As i've said before on this forum.

I'm not all that tech savy and stick to what i know works, but it hasn't ever stopped me from having a go. I'm not a complete ludite.

In the past something goes wrong when I've tried it and I'm sure I'll get to it eventually.

There's also another side to it, in that I can focus better on my communitations with individuals.

I feel as though it's more one on one

And it's just Dirt thankyou Sir.


I wasn't aware I had actually put up 15 in a row

I suppose we can add counting above 10 to the list of Horoligical accomplishments required to competently distill all the data points being gathered in this thread

Thanks for sharing your own data

Originally Posted by HiBoost View Post
There's no rabbit hole, I think you are missing my point. I wasn't suggesting he needs to gather data in 6 positions at every possible amount of power reserve for the sake of this thread. He was making a comment about mechanical watch behavior in general and I was following up with another dimension. Timing accuracy can change as power reserve runs down, and it can change in different positions at the same power reserve. That is all, this is not 32xx specific behavior, just something any mechanical watch own may be interested in.

And I see you haven't spent much time researching the multi-quote feature so I'll try to give you the details. Scroll through the thread and click the +" button on every comment you want to reply to, one after another. Once you have them all picked, just click the "quote" button on the last one you selected. You will then have a reply with all the quotes in it and you can put your comments inline after each one. #spoonfed

I appreciate the spoonfeeding though i may not necessarily like the taste of what you are dishing out.

It's somewhere in there I get mixed up in the multi-quote process.

Do keep in mind it's not a requirement for participation in the forum and you are not empowered to compell me to be compliant with your wishes Kind Sir.

As i've said previously, I'm old school.

But I'll back myself against most others here that I can rebuild/refresh an engine or transmission better than yourself.

Just don't get me started on the black arts of being a Shipwright or any aspects related to Marine engineering/design.

We all have our own fields of expertise, and i suppose that's why one of my dearly departed old watchmaker(before there were "Horologists") friend used to get me to work on his boat when we couldn't fit in a fishing trip

Interested in watches, i shall remain

Testing multi-quote in Tapatalk.

Hold down on a post. Select more. Then select Multi quote. Then tap each post and the tally will show at the top of the screen. 3 each in this example. Then click comment button on top right.
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