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Old 26 January 2021, 01:43 AM   #143
Join Date: Jun 2018
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Originally Posted by Chadridv View Post
I was never making this about an investment but there’s no way around appreciation being a factor IF you’re telling someone they’re an idiot for paying the premium. Why are they a muppet for doing so?
We are going around in circles here. It is my opinion and of course doesn't have to be yours.

I do not think the watch is worth $100k or $120k. There are better watches out there for that sort of money in my opinion. I would never pay that much for it unless I was an investor and I thought it was a sure thing.

For the record I am not a watch investor but I do hold the view that these values are unsustainable in the short/medium term. I also hold the view that the kind of people who are willing to pay this much for it right now are not the watch investment types but rather people with serious money to spend and who want to wear the in fashion/style piece of today. Of course there will be many exceptions but that will be the general trend.

I bet that only a small proportion of current 5711 blue owners will be willing to buy another one for $120k as an investment. But I also bet that many of them wont be sellers either at that price - many of them, like me, bought the watch to wear and enjoy rather than making primarily an investment decision. Sure its nice that the watch is increasing in value, but the vast majority of current owners on this forum wont be rushing out to sell theirs. My blue one will be going to my younger son when he is old enough - that to me is fulfilling enough.

Maybe muppet was a bit harsh (hey if you have the money do what you want with it + clearly you are doing something right to have that kind of cash) but my opinion was based on two factors:

1) If you are buying it for enjoyment only - go buy a better watch for $120k. There are plenty about at $120k including some amazing other Nautilus models. I know it's subjective but that's my view.
2) If you are buying it as an investment thinking the only way is up over the next 1-5 years, I believe that's a poor decision.

Like I said, just my view.
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