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Old 1 February 2021, 11:51 AM   #30
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Andybethel View Post
Jeeez what a tough choice. I have a 5980R, but I don’t wear it as it’s too bulky for my wrist. I presume it’s similar dimensions to the 5990. I also have a 5712/1a which is an absolute pleasure to wear; goes with everything, sits under a shirt cuff comfortably and even lets me know when it’s time to howl at the moon :-) One of my fav features on the 5712 is the power bar which is something the 5990 is lacking. It true it is a tough call, but I would say perhaps weight your decision on some practical features? If you’re traveler an occult two time zones then the 5990 could be a good fix.
Yeah, definitely a touch call as I have lusted after the 5990 for a long time, but there is just something really special about the 5712. Plus "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

As I think about rest of my collection, I have three GMT watches (Rolex, Tudor, and Casio) which can be used for travel. And I have three Chrono's. But I don't have a moon phase... Maybe that's my answer... LOL... But I just find the 5990 so aesthetically pleasing - it's just a beautiful watch! Maybe I get the 5712 now and then discuss how to get the 5990 in the future.
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